Instal­la­tion view 5: Gelder­land, 2007

L‑R: Sum­mer in the South­east, 2006, oil and enam­el on linen; Eri­ci­fo­lia, 2005, oil and enam­el on linen; Yanchep, 2006, oil and enam­el on linen; Tal­low Wood, 2005, oil and enam­el on linen; Vim­i­nalis, 2005, oil and enam­el on linen; The Lure of Paris, #22, 2002, oil on canvas

Stephen Bush: Gelderland
SITE San­ta Fe, San­ta Fe, New Mexico
Feb­ru­ary 10 — May 13, 2007
Pho­to: Eric Swanson