Stephen Bush: Cur­ricu­lum Vitae

View Stephen Bush’s CV as a PDF
1958, Vic­to­ria, Australia

Roy­al Mel­bourne Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts
Roy­al Mel­bourne Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma of Fine Arts

Indi­vid­ual Exhibitions

2023 A Trou­bled Mind, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
2020 From the Rub­ber Room, Dar­ren Knight Gallery, Sydney
2018 Mule Skin, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
2016 In the qui­et deep, Michael Reid Gallery, Berlin
Fes­tooned, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
MCA Foy­er Wall Com­mis­sion, Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Sydney
2015 Whipped Foulard, Michael Reid Gallery, Berlin
2014 Open the Box­oc­to­sis, Sut­ton Gallery
Stephen Bush: Steen­huf­fel, The Vizard Foun­da­tion Con­tem­po­rary Artist Project; The Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art, Mel­bourne University
2012 club soda unbri­dled, Sut­ton Gallery
Vol­ta Art Fair: New York, Sut­ton Gallery
2010 Mel­bourne Art Fair, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
2008 The Dev­il Dri­ves, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
2007 Gelder­land, SITE San­ta Fe, San­ta Fe, New Mexico
Fid­dle­back, Goff + Rosen­thal, New York
2006 Hoeve­lak­en, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
2005 Pen­etrol, Goff + Rosen­thal Gallery, New York
2004 Lum­ber, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
2003 Black­wood Sky­line, Stephen Bush: work in progress #5, The Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Melbourne
2002 Bry­ter Layter, Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne
2001 Grey Flan­nel, Mori Gallery, Sydney
1999 Over­lan­der, Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Los Angeles
1997 Fall Col­lec­tion, Robert Lind­say Gallery, Melbourne
1996 A Pic­ture Exhi­bi­tion, Fatouhi Cramer Gallery, New York
1995 Venet­ian Red, Robert Lind­say Gallery, Melbourne
1994 The Lure of Paris, Robert Lind­say Gallery, Melbourne
1991 Stephen Bush, Pow­ell Street Gallery, Melbourne
Claim­ing: An Instal­la­tion of Paint­ings by Stephen Bush, Aus­tralian Cen­tre of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Mel­bourne; Con­tem­po­rary Art Cen­tre of South Aus­tralia, Ade­laide; The Aldrich Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Ridge­field, Connecticut
1989 Stephen Bush, Pow­ell Street Gallery, Melbourne
1987 Plow: Pow­ell Street Gallery, Melbourne
1984 Stephen Bush, Pow­ell Street Gallery, Melbourne

Group Exhi­bi­tions

2023 ‘Tin­u­vin’ Coolum QLD
St Kil­das Alright’ art and artists in the 1980s Carlisle street Art space
Mel­bourne Now 2023 The Ian Pot­ter Cen­tre NGV fart like nev­er before Melbourne
2022’Zombie Eaters’ MAMA, Mur­ray Art Muse­um Albury
xxx cel­e­brat­ing 30 years at Sut­ton Gallery Melbourne
2020’Gone to see a man about a dog’, col­lab­o­ra­tion with Jon Camp­bell. Sut­ton Gallery Melbourne
2018 ‘Car­ni­va­lesque’ Art GalleruN­SA, Sydney
2017 Sug­ar Spin: You, Me, Art and Every­thing, Bris­bane, QAGOMA
2016 Fleurieu Art Prize, Sam­stag Muse­um of Art, Adelaide
Spring 1883, Sut­ton Gallery, Wind­sor Hotel, Melbourne
Nar­ra­tives, Green­way Gallery, Adelaide
Foot­ing the Bill,online exhi­bi­tion organ­ised by Art Works for Change, San Fran­cis­co view here
Panora­ma, Tar­raWar­ra Muse­um of Art, Victoria
McClel­land Col­lec­tion, McClel­land Sculp­ture Park and Gallery, Victoria
2015 Syd­ney Con­tem­po­rary, Car­riage­works, Sydney
Hid­ing in Plain Sight: A Selec­tion of Works from the Michael Bux­ton Col­lec­tion, Bendi­go Art Gallery, Bendi­go, Victoria
2014 Sub­lime Point: the Land­scape in Paint­ing, Hazel­hurst Region­al Gallery, New South Wales
Paris Bar Salon, Neon Parc, Melbourne
In your Dreams, Couni­han Gallery, Brunswick, Melbourne
2013 Mix Tape 1980s: Appro­pri­a­tion, Sub­cul­ture, Crit­i­cal Style, The Ian Pot­ter Cen­tre: Nation­al Gallery Vic­to­ria, Melbourne
2012 Nego­ti­at­ing This World: Con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralian Art, Nation­al Gallery Vic­to­ria, Melbourne
Tem­pera­ment Spec­trum, Sut­ton Gallery
2011 Sut­ton Gallery @ Auck­land Art Fair, New Zealand
Glob­al Back­yard, LaTrobe Region­al Gallery, Morwell
Jour­neys, Plim­sol Gallery, Hobart
Marie Celeste, Art­space, New Haven, Connecticut
MONAISMS, Muse­um of Old and New Art, Hobart
2010 Con­tem­po­rary Encoun­ters, The Ian Pot­ter Cen­tre: Nation­al Gallery Vic­to­ria, Melbourne
The Edge of the Uni­verse, Shep­par­ton Art Gallery, Shep­par­ton, Victoria
Wilder­ness: Bal­naves Con­tem­po­rary: Paint­ing, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
We Call Them Pirates Out Here: MCA Col­lec­tion select­ed by David Elliott, Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Sydney
2009 Clemenger Con­tem­po­rary Art Award, The Ian Pot­ter Cen­tre: Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Melbourne
Sut­ton Gallery @ Auck­land Art Fair, New Zealand
2008 Con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralia: Opti­mism, Gallery of Mod­ern Art, Queensland
Future Tense: Reshap­ing the land­scape, Neu­berg­er Muse­um, New York
Stephen Bush, Helen John­son, Nick Man­gan, Peter Robin­son, Sut­ton Gallery @ Danks Street Depot, Sydney
2007 Sum­mer 07, Goff + Rosen­thal, New York, USA
Arthur Guy Memo­r­i­al Paint­ing Prize, Bendi­go Art Gallery, Bendi­go, Victoria
Eye for I, Bal­larat Region­al Gallery, Ballarat
2005 Berlin Art Fair, Goff + Rosen­thal Gallery
NADA Mia­mi, Goff + Rosen­thal Gallery
2004 Scope New York, Stephen­son Fine Art
The Plot Thick­ens, Hei­de Muse­um of Mod­ern Art, Melbourne
Ate­lier, Plim­sol Gallery, Hobart
Art Posi­tion 04 Morat, Basel, Switzer­land, Stephen­son Fine Art
Before night after nature, Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Melbourne
2003 Home & Away, Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Melbourne
Three-way abstrac­tion, Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Melbourne
Scope LA, Stephen­son fine art
Scope Mia­mi, Stephen­son fine art
2002 The Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lec­tion: four Decades of Col­lect­ing, Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Melbourne
2001 Unpacked, MCA, Syd­ney, organ­ised by Jane Campion
A Stu­dio in Paris SH Ervin Gallery, Syd­ney NSW
Booty­li­cious Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art, Uni­ver­si­ty of Mel­bourne, Melbourne
Our Place: Issues of Iden­ti­ty in Recent Aus­tralian Art, Col­lec­tion from Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Mel­bourne, Palaz­zo Vaj, Pra­to, Italy
2000 H2O, Lawrence Wil­son Art Gallery, West­ern Aus­tralia Uni­ver­si­ty, Perth Inter­na­tion­al Arts Festival
Sebas­t­ian, Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Hazle­hurst Arts Cen­tre, Orange, Noosa, Toowoom­ba, Her­vey Bay, Grafton Region­al Gallery and Bendi­go Art Gallery
All crea­tures great and small, Old Gold Muse­um, Melbourne
1999 Leisure and Plea­sure, Robert Lind­say Gallery, Melbourne
Signs of Life: Mel­bourne Inter­na­tion­al Bien­ni­al, curat­ed by Juliana Eng­berg, Melbourne
On the Road the Car in Aus­tralian Art, Hei­de MOMA, Melbourne
1998 Car­toons and Car­i­ca­ture in Con­tem­po­rary Art, Gee­long Art Gallery and region­al tour
Views of Mel­bourne (NGV Col­lec­tion) Region­al Gallery tour of Victoria
1997 The Vizard Foun­da­tion Art Col­lec­tion of the 1990s, Gee­long, Hamil­ton, and Bendi­go Art Galleries.
1996 After Image: Paint­ing Pho­tog­ra­phy, Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Pho­tog­ra­phy, Mel­bourne & region­al tour
Tan­gi­bil­i­ty? Three Instal­la­tions: Stephen Bush & Jan Nel­son: South Face; John R. Nee­son: Sixth Loca­tion; Claire Bar­clay: Unti­tled, Plim­soll Gallery, Cen­tre for the Arts, Hobart, Tasmania
Pho­tog­ra­phy is Dead! Long Live Pho­tog­ra­phy!, MCA, Sydney
Com­post, Ade­laide Fes­ti­val, cura­tors — John Bar­bour & David O’Halloran
How Say You, Aus­tralian Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art, Melbourne
Colo­nial Post-Colo­nial, Muse­um of Mod­ern Art at Hei­de, Melbourne
1995 South Face: Jan Nel­son & Stephen Bush, Can­ber­ra Con­tem­po­rary Art Space, ACT
NON, ether ohneti­tel, Melbourne
Smor­gon Col­lec­tion, Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Sydney
Deca­dence, 200 Gertrude Street Artists Space, Melbourne
If you’re cre­ative you can get stuffed, Con­ti­nen­tal Cafe, Melbourne
1994 Moet & Chan­don Tour­ing Exhi­bi­tion 1994, Nation­al tour
Tableaux, Works from the Col­lec­tion, Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Gallery, Melbourne
Per­sona Cog­ni­ta, Muse­um of Mod­ern Art at Hei­de, cura­tor — Juliana Engberg
Bad Toys, Aus­tralian Cen­tre of Con­tem­po­rary Art. Melbourne
1993 Sur­vey 14: Images of the Gee­long Region, Gee­long Art Gallery
Inter­im Space, Smith Street Post Office, Collingwood
A Col­lab­o­ra­tion Project-Jan Nel­son & Stephen Bush, Tem­ple Stu­dio, Melbourne
Group Show, Dar­ren Knight Gallery, Melbourne
1992 Domi­no 1, Mer­ryn Gates, Ian Pot­ter Gallery, Uni­ver­si­ty of Melbourne
Angel­ic Space, cura­tor Juliana Eng­berg, Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Gallery, Melbourne
1991 Con­tem­po­rary Land­scapes, Deakin Uni­ver­si­ty, Geelong
The Sto­ry So Far, cura­tor Peter Timms, Exhibitors Gallery, Melbourne
1990 Plat­form, Spencer Street Melbourne
Artists Against Ani­mal Exper­i­men­ta­tion, Deutsch­er Gallery, Melbourne
Anony­mous, West Melbourne
1989 Aus­tralian Art Post 1960, Deutsch­er Gertrude Street, Melbourne.
1988 Arti­sans: Collaboration/Installation with Geoff Lowe, George Paton Gallery, Mel­bourne Uni­ver­si­ty Union, Melbourne
9x5 — The Wilder­ness Soci­ety Exhi­bi­tion, Lin­den Gallery,Melbourne
Stephen Bush and Janet Burchill, cura­tor Peter Cripps, The Lew­ers Bequest and Pen­rith Region­al Art Gallery, Emu Plains, and 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne
New­cas­tle Award, New­cas­tle Gallery
1987 Large Paint­ings from Art­bank, Ivan Doughey Gallery, Sydney
Quid­di­ty, cura­tor Louise Neri, 200 Gertrude Street, Mel­bourne, Con­tem­po­rary Art Cen­tre of South Australia
The New Roman­tics, cura­tor Graeme Stur­geon, Mac­quar­ie Gal­leries, Syd­ney and region­al gal­leries tour
1986 Fears and Scru­ples, cura­tor Nao­mi Cass, Uni­ver­si­ty Gallery, Uni­ver­si­ty of Melbourne
Young Aus­tralians, Nation­al Gallery Vic­to­ria & Nation­al tour, 1986–88
Voy­age of Dis­cov­ery, Dal­las, Texas, USA
1985 New Work, Pow­ell Street Gallery, Melbourne
Con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralian Views, cura­tors Joe Pas­coe and Svet­lana Karovich, Gee­long Art Gallery and Vic­to­ri­an Region­al Gallery tour 1985–6
1983 The John McCaugh­ey Memo­r­i­al Art Prize, NGV, Melbourne
1981 Emerg­ing Painters, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne

Select­ed Collections

A.C.T.U. Col­lec­tion, Melbourne
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Art Gallery of South Aus­tralia, Adelaide
Art Gallery of West­ern Aus­tralia, Perth
Art­bank, Sydney
Bendi­go Art Gallery, Victoria
BHP­Bil­li­ton, Melbourne
Cairns Art Gallery, Queensland
Price Water­house Coop­ers, Melbourne
Deakin Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lec­tion, Melbourne
Gee­long Art Gallery, Geelong
The J.L. Stew­art Col­lec­tion, New York
Michael Bux­ton Col­lec­tion of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Melbourne
Mitchell Endow­ment, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Melbourne
Monash Uni­ver­si­ty Muse­um of Art, Melbourne
Muse­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Sydney
Muse­um of Old and New Art (MONA), Hobart
Nation­al Gallery of Aus­tralia, Canberra
Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Melbourne
New­cas­tle Art Gallery, New­cas­tle, N.S.W
Queens­land Art Gallery, Bris­bane, Queensland
RACV, Melbourne
Smor­gon Col­lec­tion, Melbourne
Vizard Col­lec­tion, Melbourne
Wal­ter and Eliza Hall Insti­tute, Melbourne
War­rnam­bool Art Gallery, Warrnambool
Wes­farm­ers, Perth
West­ern Met­ro­pol­i­tan Col­lege of T.A.F.E., Footscray
West­ern Min­ing, Melbourne
Pri­vate Col­lec­tions, Aus­tralia, USA and Europe

Stephen Bush is rep­re­sent­ed in Aus­tralia by Sut­ton Gallery, Melbourne.